Thank You, Steve Cisler
I just learned, via LJ Hotline, that Steve Cisler died recently. I was stunned to read it because like so many, my relationship with Steve spanned my awareness and involvement with the Internet, and thanks to the Internet, we stayed in touch sporadically, emailing every so often, sometimes with a gap of a few years in between.
I learned so much from Steve. He was probably the first person to help me understand what the Internet might do for libraries, and how it might affect me as a librarian. Everything I could say sounds trite because so many have said it better, but that doesn't make my thoughts any less sincere.
I remember talking with Steve after he attended a meeting with a group of Luddites. He mentioned that he was thinking of going offline for awhile. As I recall he did, and I remember thinking how brave this was since life is now inextricably intwined in being online all the time. I guess it was just another example of his foresight, wisdom and spirit of adventure.
Thank you, Steve. I think the world is definitely a better place because you were in it.
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